Aviation Abbreviations
An overview of the most commonly used abbreviations in the world of helicopters (and general) aviation.
Abbreviation | Description | Category |
HAI | Heli Association International. | Associations |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules. | Air law |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules | Air law |
VTOL | Vertical Take Off and Landing | General aviation |
FADEC | Full Automated Digital Engine Control | Engine technology |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration | FAA |
AMT | Aviation Maintenance Technician | General Aviation |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board | FAA |
FSDO | Flight Standards District Offices | FAA |
CVR | Cockpit Voice recorder | General aviation |
FDR | Flight Data Recorder | General aviation |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast | Navigation |
GPS | Global Positioning System | Navigation |
ATC | Air Traffic Control | Communications |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions | General aviation |
JAA | Joint Aviation Authorities | JAA |
GA | General Aviation | General Aviation |
UAV | Unmanned Air Vehicle | General Aviation |
JAR | Joint Aviation Requirements | JAA |
PPL | Private Pilot License | Pilot Licence |
ATPL | Airline Transport Pilot Licence | Pilot Licence |
CPL | Commercial Pilot Licence | General Aviation |
DGCA | Dictorate General of Civil Aviation | General Aviation |
TRTO | Type Rating Training Organisation | JAA |
SAR | Search And Rescue | JAA |
TC | Type Certification | JAA |
APIS | Approved Production Inspection System | JAA |
STC | Supplemental Type Certificate | JAA |
PMA | Parts Manufacturer Approval | JAA |
TSO | Technical Standard Orders | JAA |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulation | FAA |
STOL | Short Take Off and Landing | General Aviation |
EAA | Experimental Aircraft Association | Associations |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | General Aviation |
ILS | Instrument Landing System | Navigation |
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